Dental Care for Children: What You Need to Know

Dental Care for Children: What You Need to Know

The dental health of your children is important, but not all parents know what they need to do in order to ensure their kids have good oral hygiene. Here we'll discuss the basics of dental care for children in Jersey City NJ, from brushing and flossing tips to when a child should first visit the dentist, and more.

Brushing & Flossing Tips

Parents should start teaching their children proper brushing and flossing techniques as soon as possible. Children can learn about these habits around age 3 or 4 by watching their parents. Children should brush twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush using fluoride toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice). It's also important that they learn how to properly floss each day in order to prevent cavities that may occur between teeth because these areas are harder for regular toothbrushes to reach.  

When To Visit The Dentist For The First Time

It's recommended that you take your child in for their first checkup at least six months after the eruption or emergence of primary teeth – this typically happens around age 2-3 years old — although some dentists may advise earlier visits if there is any cause for concern due excessive thumb sucking or other risk factors like a diet high in sugar such as fruit juices/candy etc. During an initial appointment, usually only basic exams are done, so it doesn't require much time, nor does it involve any treatment; however, if anything unusual shows up, then further tests might be needed depending on the diagnosis made by the dentist, which could include X-rays, etc.

Preventative Care & Habits

Oral hygiene plays an essential role when it comes to preventing decay from occurring inside mouth areas where food gets stuck easily (in between teeth), thus having regular cleanings done at least twice per year along with making sure cavity-causing bacteria aren't allowed to accumulate near gum line helps keep cavities away before even starting - plus having healthy lifestyle habits such eating balanced diets low processed sugars will make huge difference long run! Additionally, following general advice given during routine office visits regarding proper technique while brushing/flossing will nearly guarantee great results too!

Fluoride Treatments & Sealants

Fluoride treatments help strengthen enamel against damage caused by acids and this leads to plaque buildup. In addition, sealants act like a shield protecting deep fissures in molars and hard-to-reach places where decay often occurs. The sealant fills those tiny spots, sealing them off entirely and providing an extra layer of protection against harmful materials entering into contact surfaces. Both fluoride treatments and sealants provide excellent defense against developing future problems, thus keeping a smile looking its best!

True Dental Care Jersey City wants to make sure that your children get the best possible dental care! With our professional staff and cutting-edge technology, we are here to help you learn what you need to know about providing effective dental care for kids. From preventive treatments such as sealants and fluoride varnishes to nutrition advice and early orthodontic assessment, True Dental Care at Jersey City NJ has all of the resources necessary for a healthy smile. Call us today or visit our website for more information on how we can ensure your child's oral health is taken care of from an early age!

A child receiving professional dental care at True Dental Care office located in Jersey City, New Jersey